After Windrush
This play by McMillan is set in 1970s Brixton. Enoch Powell has made his infamous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, the police are brutalising and skinheads are attacking, ‘coloured’ is out and Black is in, and the drum and bass of rock steady and reggae has taken over from ska in the blues parties. Two post-Windrush generation (those who came as part of British post-war Caribbean migration) Caribbean families, who are trapped in the Britain, the ‘Mother Country’, struggle to realise conflicting dreams and try to keep their respective children apart. But these two young people, star-crossed lovers, are the generation who will rebel, who will not be treated as immigrants, who will shape the next decade. What is the price they must pay for their freedom ? When one of them is murdered, justice is demanded just as it is now.
After Windrush was directed by Karlos Coleman at Oval House Theatre, June 1998. It was supported by Thames Water as a part of the LWT talent challenge.